Friday, September 11, 2009

Remember took something b4 took medic

Today morning when I driving to office, I feel very uncomfortable. Suddenly feel want to vomit,
and thank god, I have a plastic bag for warraping my sport shoes.

I quikly put out my sport shoes, and vomit into the plastic bag. I duno I look scarely or not if the driver aside at me. I just felt after vomit, is starting feeling better.

Just remember I forget to drink a milo before I take the anti biotic pill. Wow, cant imagine it can make me vomit on the spot.

Again, I forget today is friday huh ^^ I did bring my lunch and din join them out for lunch. My team lead look so disappointed on me.. LOL.. sorry sorry~~

1 comment:

~~ neB howK ~~ said...

Take good care yourself and try not to forget again things u're expected to do... other than your 'forget-to-bring-handphone' syndrome.. :-p