Wednesday, August 11, 2010

LCT Monitor

Morning while I enter to office not longer then half hour, network guy bring a wide screen lcd for me.

Yeah, is my turn to change the wider screen :) How inch for that? I really no idea ler..
ANyhow, just cant understand y company not spent the money for laptop to us, but monitor?
The screen really wide compare then last time. Abit not use to. duno y need to wide screen also. Not watching movie wat =="
Coll did joke on me, say getting bigger monitor will work more. They all get the monitor ealier then me what. LOL...


chiyian said...

for u to watch fb video... ^ ^
my ofiz oso starting change to wide screen, but for new pc and replacement of spoiled pc only..

~~ neB howK ~~ said...

It is 22' inch monitor and surely there's reason behind. Advantage point may be visibility friendly reason as u're developing lots of coding works and it might be easier for you to view coding scripts/programs in a big wide screen and also for screen switching maybe. While disadvantage point is, it can be seen by anyone easily with your current activities on the screen if your seating is facing toward open walking area.

So.. have u thought about that anyway ? :-)