Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gucci is the best

I not really happy today. Gucci look like know I not happy. He din bite my finger while I hugging him. He just aside me like telling me, he always support me, always beside me. Just not like those person want to stay just stay, want to leave, what ever you did also wont stay a minute for you.

Gucci is bitting and start playing with me when I feel better ^.^ I love him so much. I did bough him a auto feed machine cost RM90 for him. But should be deliver today, any how, will check it out tommorrow.
I also dream of my gucci too. Flooding coming soon on my housing area. I picking up my gucci and runaway. He not scare at all, look like he know I will protect him.

I thouhgt all of person will love my gucci so much, but today my sister friend all come to my house open party. I just leave my gucci walk around in dinning room, all of them scare and scream loudly! They scaring my gucci!! >.<"

Gucci so cute, what the reason make them so scare of this small little? and scream like hell to scare my gucci too ;"(
My Gucci



Which more scary?

He look not happy now. Laying on my leg. Maybe he know some one is not like him, or he still scare of the sound they screaming just now.. Tell me? what i can do for him?


~~ neB howK ~~ said...

There's nothing u can do and u need not to do anything to please everyone because of that. Moreover, it's not your problem but anyone who has dog-phobia. Anyway, it should be "scary" and not "scarly" as u wrote.

Anonymous said...

When I saw both oso will scream~
Either scream & run 2ward / away... haha~